Taking Charge of Your Career


Tony Pisanelli is a renowned coach, author, and career transformation keynote speaker. Having successfully navigated his corporate career through several reinventions that enabled him to rise above dissatisfaction and avoid the pain of job loss even when thousands were losing theirs was the motivation for becoming a Career Transformation Coach and Thought Leader.





As a coach, speaker and author, Tony Pisanelli is the master of professional reinvention.

More important than ever in today’s fast-changing world, Tony’s niche skill is to help professionals to define their value and ‘package’ themselves so they stand out as employees, consultants or entrepreneurs.

Going beyond basic interview skills or resume tips, Tony’s insights as a career coach get audiences excited about their next move and open them up to what’s possible.

Request Tony to appear in person, present online or join your next podcast episode.


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Featured Keynotes


How to Secure your Career in Times of Disruptive Change

Many careers are struggling with the speed of change and unrelenting demands. This presentation will show you how to follow the lead of a few smart individuals who discovered how to secure their careers even when thousands of their work colleagues were being shown the door.


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How to Confidently Transition from a Job You Hate to a Life You Love

Many people every morning drag themselves to work to endure another painful and dissatisfying day. They feel trapped in their current job not realising there is a safe way out.

This presentation outlines the steps to transition from a desperate job to an inspiring career without disrupting important life priorities.


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How to Turn a Hobby into a Satisfying Career

Many people experience their working life as a desperate existence. This is often the result of being trapped in jobs that don’t allow them to express who they are, use their natural talent nor is it connected to something deeply meaningful and purposeful. In this presentation you will learn how to identify a personal hobby that you are truly passionate about and determine how it can be developed into a working life that can earn an income and solve a problem for others.


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Antonio Pisanelli  ABN: 41864373182

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